Google Ads Manager Account

Why do we need Google Ads Manager Account?

A Google Ads Manager Account lets you easily view and manage multiple Google Ads accounts (including other manager accounts) from a single dashboard.

This documentation helps you to create manager accounts. Please email us your queries at for any support/issues faced while creating Google Ads Manager Account.

Steps to Create Google Ads Manager Account:

  1. Follow the Link Google Ads manager account homepage and click Create a manager account
  1. If you’re not signed in already, sign in using the email that you’d like to use to manage your new manager account
  1. Enter The Password and Click Next
  1. The same email address can be used for making 20 Google Ads Accounts including Google Ads Manager Account
  2. Give your manager account a name. This is the name that your clients will see on their client account


Select Country Name


Time Zone

Manager Account Name

  1. Time zone will be used for your account reporting and billing and cannot be changed
  2. Why create Google Ads Manager Account:
  3. You want to manage your own multiple Google Ads accounts

(Follow the screenshot below for managing your own account)

  1. Want to manage other people’s accounts
  1. Click Explore Your Account to get started

Steps to Link Google Ads Account to Manager Account:

  1. When you click on Explore your account or Sign in to your Google Ads Manager Account
  1. From the page menu on the left, click Settings
  1. click Sub-account settings
  1. Click on the + Button
  1. From here you can do three things
  2. You can create a Manager Account from here
  1. You can create a normal Ads Account from here
  1. You can link your existing Ads Account from here
  1. Click on Link existing account for linking your other account to your Manager Account
  2. Enter the Customer ID in the box and then click on Send Request

Customer IDs

  1. You Can Enter Multiple Google Ads Customer IDs at once, one per line

Like This

  1. After your request is sent, your dashboard will look like below:
  1. Check your registered email-id to Accept Request
  1. You will be redirected to Google Ads Page to Accept the request
  1. After accepting you will be able to see the One Manager Account
  1. Under Manager Account – you can see the Accepted Account

How to find Customer ID in Google Ads Account?

Google Ads Customer ID is a 10 Digit unique ID

Option 1: You can find the Google Ads Customer ID with the name of the account.

(In the screenshot below, the name of the account is Manager Account 2 followed by 10 – digit Customer ID)

Option 2: With the Google Account Image

(In the screenshot below – the image shown at the top right most corner of the page is the image of your Google Account. Just before that your 10-digit Customer ID is mentioned)

Option 3: Click on Help

(In the below Screenshot, you can see when we click on help, a dialog box opens that has Customer ID mentioned at the bottom)

Steps To Authenticate Google Ads in SprigHub App

  1. Go to SprigHub App
  2. Enter the Username and Password
  3. Click on Login
  1. Click on the Setting
  1. Select Google Ads and Enable the toggle buttons
  1. A pop-up window will appear. To authorize the Chanel please click Yes
  1. Provide the 10-digit Customer ID for your Google Ads Manager Account and Authorize
  1. You will be redirected to Google Auth. Page to Select the Google Account
  1. Select the email account that you registered with Google Ads
  2. Tick the below highlighted Boxes and Click Continue
  1. After successful authorization, you will be redirected to the SprigHub app with the below message
  1. Close the window and you can see all Google Ads-related platforms are activated
Pawan Rai
DevOps Engineer at SprigHub
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