GA4 Setup Step 3: Upgrading GA3 to GA4

  • Upgrade to GA4 from GA3(Universal Analytics)
  • Navigate to the admin section of your reporting view in your GA3 property.

  • Click on ‘GA4 setup assistant’ link in the ‘Property’ column.

  • Click on the ‘Get Started’ button under the section ‘

  • Click on the ‘Create Property’ button.

  • Google Analytics will now create a new GA4 property.

The existing GA3 property will remain intact so that you will now have atleast 2 GA properties.

The Google Tag Manager(GTM), for your account needs to be configured so that the data starts flowing in the new GA4 property.

  • Click on the ‘Go to your GA4 property’ button.

  • On the new window that opens, click on ‘Data Streams’ link:

  • Click on your web data stream:

  • Click on ‘Use existing on-page tag’ under the section ‘Tagging Instructions’:

  • Click on ‘Google Tag Manager’ drop-down menu.

  • You will now see the instructions for setting up a tag for tracking your website data in the new GA4 property via GTM:

  • Copy the Measurement Id in step 4 above

  • Navigate to your Google Tag Manager Account and click on ‘New Tag’ link:

  • Name your tag something like ‘GA4 tracking- All pages’ and set the tag type to

‘Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration’.

  • Enter the measurement ID copied earlier in the ‘Measurement ID’ text box:

  • Set your trigger to fire on all pages:

  • Click on the ‘Save’ button to save your tag.
  • Click on the preview button at the top right-hand side:

The Tag Manager preview mode will open in a new browser tab. If it doesn’t, it means your browser is blocking the window.

  • Enter your website URL and then click on the ‘Connect’ button:

  • Once you click the ‘Connect’ button, a new tab will open in your browser window, showing your website.
  • Switch back to the browser tab, which shows your Tag Manager preview mode window, then on the ‘Continue’ button:

  • If you see the tag ‘GA4 tracking -All pages’ under the ‘Tags Fired’ section, then it means your tag is firing correctly:

  • Navigate back to your GTM account and then click on the ‘Submit’ button:

  • Give your version a name and then click on the ‘Publish’ button:

  • Navigate back to your website and visit a couple of pages.
  • Navigate back to your GA4 property, scroll up and then click on the cross button next to

‘Web stream details’

  • Click on the ‘Reports’ icon from the left-hand side navigation:

  • Click on the ‘Realtime’ report:

You should now be able to see new data flowing in your near-real time report:

Note: When you create a new property from within an existing GA3 property,

The GA4 property is now the default option.

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