Bitbucket and Jira – Deployment Documentation

Pawan Rai



Testing Deployment with Bitbucket and Jira Board
  1. Created The New Project on Jira Board with the Name as Testing and Jira Board Creates Same Repo Name in Bitbucket Repository

  1. Go to Backlog and Create a To Do Task and Start the Sprint

  1. Move the Backlog to Sprint and Start the Sprint

  1. At the Start of the Sprint the Time Declaration on is required for completion of the sprint

  1. It will show on your Board

  1. We can Create The Branch for the Sprint and Then Merge with Dev, Pre and Demo
  2. We Can Assign the Sprint Easily for any one of the team Member

  1. Create Some Branches

  1. Start the Work & Connect the branch with GitHub Desktop
  1. Edit the code and Deploy the code which you want to run on pipeline
  2. Create the Pull Request and Then Wait for the approval or ask for the approval

  1. Approve the pull request from jira board if the Branch is Created in Jira board

How to Create a pull Request from one branch to another

  1. Select the Source branch of change one side and Deploy branch on Right side
  2. Using testing repo and Dev-Testing as Branch
  3. I will move the change of Dev-Testing >> Demo-Testing
  4. I have a File name buildspec.yml in Dev-Testing But not in DemoTesting

Image of Dev-Testing

Image of Demo-Testing

Create the Pull Request from Dev >> Demo

  1. Approve the Request of Pull and check the Destination branch for the Changes
  2. Merge and Close the Pull Request

Pawan Rai
DevOps Engineer at SprigHub
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